Chapter 13 xDSL Port Setup

13.6 Default Settings

The default profile always exists and all of the ADSL ports use the default profile settings when the IES-612-51A is shipped. The default profile's name is set to DEFVAL.

See Chapter 56 on page 417 for the settings of the default profile and ADSL port default settings.

13.7 xDSL Port Setup Screen

To open this screen, click Basic Setting, xDSL Port Setup.

Figure 46 xDSL Port Setup

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 19 xDSL Port Setup



VC Setup

Click VC Setup to open the VC Setup screen where you can configure VC


settings for the DSL ports (see Section 13.9 on page 116).



PPVC Setup

Click PPVC Setup to open the PPVC Setup screen where you can configure


priority PVC settings for the DSL ports (see Section 13.11 on page 121).





IES-612-51A User’s Guide