Chapter 13 xDSL Port Setup

Figure 48 xDSL Port Setting

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 20 xDSL Port Setting



Last Page

Click this to return to the previous screen.



General Setup





Select this check box to turn on this ADSL port.



Customer Info

Enter information to identify the subscriber connected to this ADSL port. You


can use up to 31 printable ASCII characters (including spaces and hyphens).



Customer Tel

Enter information to identify the telephone number of the subscriber connected


to this ADSL port. You can use up to 15 ASCII characters (including spaces and






Select a profile of ADSL settings (such as the transfer rate, interleave delay and


signal to noise ratio settings) to assign to this port. Use the Port Profile screen


to configure port profiles (see Chapter 14 on page 125).




Select the port’s ADSL operational mode. Select the mode that the subscriber’s


device uses or auto to have the IES-612-51A automatically determine the mode


to use. See Table 18 on page 107 for information on the individual ADSL







IES-612-51A User’s Guide