Chapter 44 DHCP Commands
This command disables the DHCP snooping feature on the specified port(s).
44.4.3 DHCP Snoop Flush CommandSyntax:
ras> switch dhcpsnoop flush <portlist>
<portlist> | = You can specify a single port <1>, all ports <*> or a list of |
| ports <1,3,enet1>. You can also include a range of ports |
| <1,5,6~10,enet1,enet2>. |
This command clears the DHCP snooping binding table on the specified port(s). The system also automatically clears the binding table when you disable DHCP snooping.
44.4.4 DHCP Snoop Show CommandSyntax:
ras> switch dhcpsnoop show <portlist>
<portlist> | = You can specify a single port <1>, all ports <*> or a list of |
| ports <1,3,enet1>. You can also include a range of ports |
| <1,5,6~10,enet1,enet2>. |
Use this command to display the current DHCP snooping settings of the specified port(s). The following example displays the settings of ports
Figure 147 DHCP Snoop Show Command Example
ras> switch dhcpsnoop show 1~5 port enable
1 V
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
44.4.5DHCP Counter Statistics CommandSyntax:
ras> statistics dhcp counter [<portlist> [clear]]
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