Chapter 44 DHCP Commands

This command disables the DHCP snooping feature on the specified port(s).

44.4.3 DHCP Snoop Flush Command


ras> switch dhcpsnoop flush <portlist>



= You can specify a single port <1>, all ports <*> or a list of


ports <1,3,enet1>. You can also include a range of ports



This command clears the DHCP snooping binding table on the specified port(s). The system also automatically clears the binding table when you disable DHCP snooping.

44.4.4 DHCP Snoop Show Command


ras> switch dhcpsnoop show <portlist>



= You can specify a single port <1>, all ports <*> or a list of


ports <1,3,enet1>. You can also include a range of ports



Use this command to display the current DHCP snooping settings of the specified port(s). The following example displays the settings of ports 1-5.

Figure 147 DHCP Snoop Show Command Example

ras> switch dhcpsnoop show 1~5 port enable


1 V

2 -

3 -

4 -

5 -

44.4.5DHCP Counter Statistics Command


ras> statistics dhcp counter [<portlist> [clear]]



IES-612-51A User’s Guide