Chapter 52 ADSL Commands

52.1.17 Impulse Noise Protection Command


ras> adsl inp <portlist> [<usINP> [,<dsINP>] ]



= Sets the minimum upstream (us) impulse noise protection setting.


Use 0~3 to define a number of DMT symbols. 0 = 0 DMT symbols,


1 = 0.5 DMT symbols, 2 = 1 DMT symbols, 3 = 2 DMT symbols.


= Sets the minimum downstream (ds) impulse noise protection


setting. Use 0~3 to define a number of DMT symbols. 0 = 0 DMT


symbols, 1 = 0.5 DMT symbols, 2 = 1 DMT symbols, 3 = 2 DMT



This command sets the upstream (us) and downstream (ds) impulse noise protection minimum setting on the specified DSL port(s). Sudden spikes in the line’s noise level (impulse noise) can cause errors and result in lost packets. Set the impulse noise protection minimum to have a buffer to protect the DSL physical layer connection against impulse noise. This buffering causes a delay that reduces transfer speeds. It is recommended that you use a non-zero setting for real time traffic that has no error correction (like videoconferencing).

The following example sets the impulse noise protection minimum to 1 DMT symbols for upstream and 0.5 DMT symbols for downstream for DSL port 5.

Figure 234 Impulse Noise Protection Command Example

ras> adsl inp 5 2 1

52.1.18 Annex L Enable Command

This command turns on the Annex L reach extended feature on the specified ADSL2 port(s). Annex L can be used with Annex A (ADSL over POTS), not Annex B (ADSL over ISDN).


ras> adsl annexl enable <portlist>

The following example turns on the Annex L feature for port 5.

Figure 235 Annex L Enable Command Example

ras> adsl annexl enable 5

52.1.19 Annex L Disable Command

This command turns off the Annex L reach extended feature on the specified ADSL2 port(s). Syntax:

ras> adsl annexl disable <portlist>

The following example turns off the Annex L feature for port 5.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide