Chapter 22 Spanning Tree Protocol

22.2 Spanning Tree Protocol Status Screen

To open this screen, click Advanced Application, Spanning Tree Protocol.

Figure 83 Spanning Tree Protocol Status

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 50 Spanning Tree Protocol Status



STP Config

Click STP Config to modify the IES-612-51A’s STP settings (see Section 22.3


on page 178).



Spanning Tree

This field displays On if STP is activated. Otherwise, it displays Off.





Bridge Status

If STP is activated, the following fields appear. If STP is not activated, Disabled





Our bridge ID

This is the unique identifier for this bridge, consisting of bridge priority plus MAC


address. This ID is the same in Designated root ID if the IES-612-51A is the


root switch.



Designated root ID

This is the unique identifier for the root bridge, consisting of bridge priority plus


MAC address. This ID is the same in Our bridge ID if the IES-612-51A is the


root switch.



Topology change

This is the number of times the spanning tree has been reconfigured.





Time since change

This is the time since the spanning tree was last reconfigured.



Cost to root

This is the path cost from the root port on this switch to the root switch.





IES-612-51A User’s Guide