Chapter 52 ADSL Commands




= -400 ~ 40 (unit of measure is 0.1dBm/Hz)




This command displays or sets the upstream maximum nominal transmit PSD (Power Spectral Density).

The following example sets the upstream maximum nominal transmit PSD for port 7 to -10 dBm/Hz.

Figure 223 DSL Port Upstream PSD Command Example

ras> adsl usnompsd 7 -100

52.1.12 DSL Port Downstream PSD Command


ras> adsl dsnompsd <portNo> [<max nominal psd>]



<max nominal

= -400 ~ 40 (unit of measure is 0.1dBm/Hz)



This command displays or sets the downstream maximum nominal transmit PSD (Power Spectral Density).

The following example sets the downstream maximum nominal transmit PSD for port 7 to -10 dBm/Hz.

Figure 224 DSL Port Downstream PSD Command Example

ras> adsl dsnompsd 7 -100

52.1.13 DSL Port Upstream Carrier Command


ras> adsl uscarrier <portNo> [<m0> <m1>]



= The upstream subcarriers to be masked (disabled). Each


<mx> can use up to 8 hexadecimal digits


(00000000~ffffffff). Each <mx> represents 32 carrier tones


(each hexadecimal digit represents 4 tones).


<m0> = tones 0~31


<m1> = tones 32~63


The hexadecimal digit is converted to binary and a '1'


disables the corresponding tone. Disabling a carrier tone


turns it off so the system does not send data on it.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide