IP Commands

This chapter shows you how to use the (standard shell) IP commands to configure the IP (Internet Protocol) parameters.

49.1 IP Commands Introduction

Use the IES-612-51A’s management IP addresses to manage it through the network.

49.2 IP Settings and Default Gateway

Use the following command sequence to set the IES-612-51A’s IP settings for the Ethernet 1 and 2, and DSL ports, VID and default gateway. With the Ethernet 1 and 2, and DSL ports, you must connect to the IES-612-51A through a port that is a member of the management (CPU) VLAN in order to perform in-band management.

Figure 194 IP Settings and Default Gateway Address Commands

ras> ip set <new ip address> [</netmask>] ras> ip gateway <ip>

ras> config save


<new ip


The IP address you want to configure for the IES-612-51A.






The bit number of the subnet mask of the IP address you



want to configure for IES-612-51A’s uplink, downlink and



IES-612-51A DSL ports. To find the bit number, convert the



subnet mask to binary and add all of the 1’s together. Take



“” for example. 255 converts to eight 1’s in



binary. There are three 255’s, so add three eights together



and you get the bit number (24).



The default gateway IP address you want to configure for



the IES-612-51A.

The first command changes the IP settings for the IES-612-51A’s uplink, downlink and IES- 612-51A DSL ports. If you don’t enter the subnet mask, the system automatically computes the subnet mask.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide