Chapter 40 Alarm

Figure 130 Alarm Event Setup

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 85 Alarm Event Setup



Alarm Status

Click Alarm Status to go to a screen that displays the alarms that are currently


in the system (see Section 40.2 on page 249).



Alarm Port Setup

Click Alarm Port Setup to go to a screen where you can configure the alarm


severity threshold for recording alarms on an individual port(s). See Section


40.5 on page 254.




This field displays the index number of the alarm in the list. Click this to specify


the severity level of an alarm(s) and where the system is to send the alarm(s).


See Section 40.4.1 on page 253.




This field displays the alarm category to which the alarm belongs.


eqpt represents equipment alarms.


dsl represents Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) alarms.


enet represents Ethernet alarms.


sys represents system alarms.



Condition Code

This field displays the condition code number for the specific alarm message.




This field displays a text description for the condition under which the alarm






This field displays the log facility (local1~local7) on the syslog server where the


system is to log this alarm. This is for alarms that send alarms to a syslog







IES-612-51A User’s Guide