This chapter shows you how to set up ACL profiles on each port.

31.1 Access Control Logic (ACL) Overview

An ACL (Access Control Logic) profile allows the IES-612-51A to classify and perform actions on the upstream traffic. Each ACL profile consists of a rule and an action, and you assign ACL profiles to PVCs.

31.1.1 ACL Profile Rules

Each ACL profile uses one of 14 rules to classify upstream traffic. These rules are listed below by rule number.

1etype <etype> vlan <vid>

2etype <etype> smac <mac>

3etype <etype> dmac <mac>

4vlan <vid> smac <mac>

5vlan <vid> dmac <mac>

6smac <mac> dmac <mac>

7vlan <vid> priority <priority>

8etype <etype>

9vlan <vid>

10smac <mac>

11dmac <mac>

12priority <priority>

13protocol <protocol>

14{srcip <ip>/<mask>{dstip <ip>/<mask>{tos <stos> <etos> {srcport <sport> <eport> {dstport <sport> <eport>}}}}}

The input values for these values have the following ranges.

<vid>: 1~4094

<priority>: 1~7

<etype>: 0~65535

<protocol>: tcpudpospfigmpipgreicmp<ptype>

<ptype>: 0~255

<mask>: 0~32



IES-612-51A User’s Guide