Chapter 17 IGMP

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 37 Bandwidth Port Setup



Bandwidth Setup

Click Bandwidth Setup to open the IGMP Bandwidth screen where you can


set up bandwidth requirements for multicast channels (see Section 17.4 on


page 156).




This field shows each DSL port number.




This field shows whether or not multicast bandwidth requirements are enabled


on this port. “V” displays if it is enabled and “-“ displays if it is disabled.




Enter the maximum acceptable multicast bandwidth for this port. This has no


effect if bandwidth requirements are disabled.




Select this, and click Active or Inactive to enable or disable the specified


multicast bandwidth requirements on this port.




Click this to enable the specified multicast bandwidth requirements on the


selected port.




Click this to disable the specified multicast bandwidth requirements on the


selected port.



Select All

Click this to select all entries in the table.



Select None

Click this to un-select all entries in the table.



17.5 IGMP Setup Screen

Use this screen to configure your IGMP settings.

To open this screen, click Advanced Application, IGMP, IGMP Setup.Figure 72 IGMP Setup

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 38 IGMP Setup



IGMP Status

Click IGMP Status to open the IGMP Setup screen where you can view current


IGMP information (see Section 17.3 on page 154).



Filter Setup

Click Filter Setup to open the IGMP Filter Profile screen where you can


configure IGMP multicast filter profiles (see Section 17.6 on page 159).




Select Proxy to have the device use IGMP proxy.


Select Snooping to have the device passively learn multicast groups.


Select Disable to have the device not use either IGMP proxy or snooping.




Click Apply to save your IGMP mode settings.


Clicking Apply saves your changes to the IES-612-51A’s volatile memory. The


IES-612-51A loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the


Config Save link on the navigation panel to save your changes to the non-


volatile memory when you are done configuring.





IES-612-51A User’s Guide