Chapter 40 Alarm


Table 85 Alarm Event Setup (continued)






This field displays “V” if the system is to send this alarm to an SNMP server. It



displays “-“ if the system does not send this alarm to an SNMP server.






This field displays “V” if the system is to send this alarm to a syslog server. It



displays “-“ if the system does not send this alarm to a syslog server.






This field displays the alarm severity level (critical, major, minor or info).






This displays “V” if the alarm clear command removes the alarm from the



system. It displays “-“if the alarm clear command does not remove the alarm



from the system.




40.4.1 Edit Alarm Event Setup Screen

Use this screen to specify the severity level of an alarm(s) and where the system is to send the alarm(s).

To open this screen, click Alarm, Alarm Status. Then, click an alarm’s index number.

Figure 131 Alarm Event Setup Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 86 Alarm Event Setup Edit




This field displays the alarm category to which the alarm belongs.


eqpt represents equipment alarms.


dsl represents Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) alarms.


enet represents Ethernet alarms.


sys represents system alarms.



Condition Code

This field displays the condition code number for the specific alarm message.




This field displays a text description for the condition under which the alarm






The log facility (local1~local7) has the device log the syslog messages to a


particular file in the syslog server. Select a log facility (local1~local7) from the


drop-down list box if this entry is for sending alarms to a syslog server. See your


syslog program’s documentation for details.




Select this check box to have the system send this alarm to an SNMP server.




Select this check box to have the system send this alarm to a syslog server.




Select an alarm severity level (critical, major, minor or info) for this alarm.


Critical alarms are the most severe, major alarms are the second most severe,


minor alarms are the third most severe and info alarms are the least severe.




Select this check box to allow administrators to use the management interface


to remove an alarm report generated by this alarm event entry.


Select this check box to keep an alarm report generated by this alarm event in


the system until the conditions that caused the alarm report are no longer







IES-612-51A User’s Guide