Chapter 44 DHCP Commands


[<relay info>] = Up to 23 ASCII characters of additional information for the IES-612-51A to add to the DHCP requests that it relays to a DHCP server.

Examples of information you could add would be the name of the IES-612-51A or the ISP.

This command adds the specified information for the relay agent.

44.4 DHCP Snoop Commands

Use these commands to configure or show DHCP snooping settings on the subscriber ports. The system gets the client MAC-IP address information (in the reply from a DHCP server) and stores it in the DHCP snooping table. The system only forwards packets from the clients whose MAC-IP address is in the DHCP snooping table. Packets from unknown IP address(es) are not forwarded (dropped). This feature prevents clients from assigning their own static IP addresses.

44.4.1 DHCP Snoop Enable Command


ras> switch dhcpsnoop enable <portlist>



= You can specify a single port <1>, all ports <*> or a list of


ports <1,3,enet1>. You can also include a range of ports



This command activates the DHCP snooping feature on the specified port(s). The following example enables DHCP snooping on port 1.

Figure 146 DHCP Snoop Enable Command Example

ras> switch dhcpsnoop enable 1

44.4.2 DHCP Snoop Disable Command


ras> switch dhcpsnoop disable <portlist>



= You can specify a single port <1>, all ports <*> or a list of


ports <1,3,enet1>. You can also include a range of ports





IES-612-51A User’s Guide