Chapter 14 xDSL Profiles Setup

14.6 Alarm Profile Screen

Alarm profiles define ADSL port alarm thresholds. The IES-612-51A sends an alarm trap and generates a syslog entry when the thresholds of the alarm profile are exceeded.

To open this screen, click Basic Setting, xDSL Profiles Setup, Alarm Profile.

Use the top part of the screen (with the Add and Cancel buttons) to add or edit alarm profiles. The rest of the screen displays the configured alarm profiles.

Figure 59 Alarm Profile

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 27 Alarm Profile



Port Profile

Click Port Profile to open the Port Profile screen (see Section 14.1 on page


125). Use the Port Profile screen to configure profiles of ADSL port settings


(such as the transfer rate, interleave delay and signal to noise ratio settings).



VC Profile

Click VC Profile to open the VC Profile screen where you can configure virtual


channel profiles (see Section 14.5 on page 131).



IGMP Filter Profile

Click IGMP Filter Profile to open the IGMP Filter Profile screen where you can


configure IGMP multicast filter profiles (see Section 14.8 on page 135).




This field is read-only if you click Modify to edit a port profile. Type a name to


identify the alarm profile (you cannot change the name of the DEFVAL profile).


You can use up to 31 ASCII characters; spaces are not allowed.




Click Add to save your changes to the IES-612-51A’s volatile memory. The IES-


612-51A loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the Config


Save link on the navigation panel to save your changes to the non-volatile


memory when you are done configuring.




Click Cancel to start configuring the screen again.





IES-612-51A User’s Guide