Chapter 52 ADSL Commands

Figure 236 Annex L Disable Command Example

ras> adsl annexl disable 5

52.1.20 Annex M Enable Command

This command turns on the Annex M double upstream feature on the specified ADSL2/2+ port(s). This has the upstream connection use tones 6 to 63.


ras> adsl annexm enable <portlist>

The following example turns on the Annex M feature for port 5.

Figure 237 Annex M Enable Command Example

ras> adsl annexm enable 5

52.1.21 Annex M Disable Command

This command turns off the Annex M double upstream feature on the specified ADSL2/2+ port(s).


ras> adsl annexm disable <portlist>

The following example turns off the Annex M feature for port 5.

Figure 238 Annex M Disable Command Example

ras> adsl annexm disable 5

52.1.22 Annex I Enable Command

This command turns on the Annex I all digital mode feature on the specified ADSL2/2+ port(s). With Annex I, the DSL connection uses the full spectrum of the physical line and the user can not use POTS or ISDN service.


ras> adsl annexi enable <portlist>

The following example turns on the Annex I feature for port 5.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide