Chapter 47 IGMP Commands

This command displays the IGMP groups a port joins. The following figure shows an example for port 1.

Figure 187 IGMP Port Group Statistics Command Example


statistics igmpsnoop port group



vid mcast_ip

source ip


--------- --------------- ---------------

47.8Multicast VLAN Commands

Use these commands to configure VLAN multicast settings and set multicast port members.

Multicast VLAN allows one single multicast VLAN to be shared among different subscriber VLANs on the network. This improves bandwidth utilization by reducing multicast traffic in the subscriber VLANs and simplifies multicast group management.

47.8.1 Multicast VLAN Set Command


ras> switch igmpsnoop mvlan set <vid> <portlist>:<F<TU>X> [<portlist>:<F<TU>X> ...] [name]




The VLAN ID [1 – 4094].



You can specify a single port: <1>, all ports: <*>, a list of



ports: <1,3,enet1>, you can also include a range of ports:






The <F> stands for a fixed registrar administration control



flag and registers a <port #> to the static VLAN table with






For a fixed port, you also have to specify <TU>, the tag



control flag.



<T> has the device add an IEEE 802.1Q tag to frames going



out through this port(s).



<U> has the device send frames out through this port(s)



without an IEEE 802.1Q tag.



This is the registrar administration control flag.



<X> stands for forbidden and blocks a <port #> from



joining the static VLAN table with <vid>.



A name to identify the SVLAN entry.

This command creates a multicast VLAN and sets the allowed/blocked port member(s).

This command is similar to the command to create a regular VLAN. See Section 45.4.4 on page 301 for examples and more information.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide