Chapter 6 Home and Port Statistics Screens


Table 8 Port Statistics (RMON) (continued)






This field displays the total number of packets that were too big



received/transmitted on this port.






This is the number of frames received/transmitted that were less than



64 octets long, and contained an invalid FCS, including non-integral



and integral lengths.






This is the number of frames received/transmitted that were longer



than 1518 octets (non VLAN) or 1522 octets (VLAN) and contained an



invalid FCS, including alignment errors.






This is the number of frames for which transmission failed due to



excessive collisions. Excessive collision is defined as the number of



maximum collisions before the retransmission count is reset.






This is the number of frames received/transmitted (including bad



frames) that were 64 octets or less in length (this includes FCS octets



but excludes framing bits).






This is the number of frames received/transmitted (including bad



frames) that were 65 to 127 octets in length (this includes FCS octets



but excludes framing bits).






This is the number of frames received and transmitted (including bad



frames) that were 128 to 255 octets in length (this includes FCS octets



but excludes framing bits).






This is the number of frames received/transmitted (including bad



frames) that were 256 to 511 octets in length (this includes FCS octets



but excludes framing bits).






This is the number of frames received/transmitted (including bad



frames) that were 512 to 1023 octets in length (this includes FCS



octets but excludes framing bits).






This is the number of frames received/transmitted (including bad



frames) that were 1024 to 1518 octets in length (this includes FCS



octets but excludes framing bits).





Poll Interval(s)

The text box displays how often (in seconds) this screen refreshes.


Set Interval

You may change the refresh interval by typing a new number in the text



box and then clicking Set Interval.



Click Stop to halt system statistic polling.






Select a port from the Port drop-down list box and then click Clear


Clear Counter

Counter to erase the recorded statistical information for that port.






Click this to set the Poll Interval(s) and Port fields to their default



values and to refresh the screen.




6.1.4 RMON History Screen

Use this screen to display general information (such as sample time) on history samples. To open this screen, click any port number in the RMON Statistics screen.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide