IGMP Commands

This chapter describes the IGMP snooping and filtering commands.

47.1 Multicast Overview

See Chapter 17 on page 153 for background information on this feature.

47.2 IGMP Snoop Commands

Use the IGMP snoop commands to enable or disable IGMP proxy or IGMP snooping.

47.2.1 IGMP Snoop Show Command


ras> switch igmpsnoop show

This command displays the IGMP mode (proxy, snooping or disabled).

The following is an example.

Figure 171 IGMP Snoop Show Command Example

ras> switch igmpsnoop show IGMP Snooping/Proxy is Disable

47.2.2 IGMP Snoop Enable Command


ras> switch igmpsnoop enable <proxysnooping>

This command turns on IGMP proxy or snooping. Use proxy to have the device use IGMP proxy. Use IGMP snooping to have the device passively learn multicast groups.

The following example sets the device to use IGMP proxy.

Figure 172 IGMP Snoop Enable Command Example

ras> switch igmpsnoop enable proxy



IES-612-51A User’s Guide