Chapter 52 ADSL Commands

52.3.2 Alarm Profile Set Command


ras> adsl alarmprofile set <profile> [<atuc lofs> <atur lofs> <atuc loss> <atur loss> <atuc lols> <atuc lprs> <atur lprs> <atuc ess> <atur ess> <atuc fast rateup> <atur fast rateup> <atuc interleave rateup> <atur interleave rateup> <atuc fast ratedown> <atur fast ratedown> <atuc interleave ratedown> <atur interleave ratedown> <init fail enable> <atuc fail fast> <atuc ses> <atur ses> <atuc uas> <atur uas>]




A name for the alarm profile (up to 31 ASCII characters).



Upstream. These parameters are for the connection (or



traffic) coming from the subscriber’s device to the IES-612-






Downstream. These parameters are for the connection (or



traffic) going from the IES-612-51A to the subscriber’s




<atuc lofs> <atur lofs>

<atuc loss> <atur loss>

<atuc lols>

<atuc lprs> <atur lprs>

<atuc ess> <atur ess>

<atuc fast rateup> <atur fast rateup>

<atuc interleave rateup> <atur interleave rateup>

<atuc fast ratedown> <atur fast ratedown>

<atuc interleave ratedown> <atur interleave ratedown>

<init fail enable>

=The number of Loss Of Frame seconds that are permitted to occur within 15 minutes.

=The number of Loss Of Signal seconds that are permitted to occur within 15 minutes.

=The number of Loss Of Link seconds that are permitted to occur within 15 minutes.

=The number of Loss of Power seconds that are permitted to occur (on the ATUR) within 15 minutes.

=The number of Errored Seconds that are permitted to occur within 15 minutes.

=A rate in kilobits per second (kbps). If a fast mode connection’s upstream transmission rate increases by more than this number, then a trap is sent.

=A rate in kilobits per second (kbps). If an interleave mode connection’s upstream transmission rate increases by more than this number, then a trap is sent.

=A rate in kilobits per second (kbps). If a fast mode connection’s downstream transmission rate decreases by more than this number, then a trap is sent.

=A rate in kilobits per second (kbps). If an interleave mode connection’s upstream transmission rate decreases by more than this number, then a trap is sent.

=“1” sets the profile to trigger an alarm for an initialization failures trap. “2” sets the profile to not trigger an alarm for an initialization failures trap.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide