Chapter 53 Virtual Channel Management Commands



=Assign a VC profile to use for policing this channel’s upstream traffic. The IES-612-51A does not perform upstream traffic policing if you do not specify an upstream VC profile.


= The priority queue (0~7) to use for this PVCs traffic. 7 is the


highest priority.

This command adds a member PVC to a PPVC. You must create the PPVC before you use this command to add a member.

"Only the member PVCs need to be created on the subscriber’s device.

The following example adds a PVC to a PPVC with VPI 8 and VCI 35 for port 5. The PVC uses VPI 8 and VCI 36. It sets the DEFVAL profile for downstream traffic shaping and for upstream traffic policing. It uses priority queue 2.

Figure 264 PPVC Member Set Command Example

ras> adsl ppvc member set 5 8 35 8 36 DEFVAL,DEFVAL 2

53.5 PPVC Member Delete Command


ras> adsl ppvc member delete <portlist> <vpi> <vci> <member vpi> <member vci>




The port(s) of the PPVC.



You can specify a single DSL port <1>, all DSL ports <*>



or a list of DSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also include a range



of ports <1,5,6~10>.



The VPI of the PPVC.



The VCI of the PPVC.

<member vpi>


The VPI of the individual PVC that you are removing from



the PPVC.

<member vci>


The VCI of the individual PVC that you are removing from



the PPVC.

This command removes a PVC from a PPVC.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide