Chapter 31 ACL


Table 69 ACL Profile Setup (continued)





Profile Name

Enter a descriptive name for the ACL profile. The name can be 1-31 printable



ASCII characters long. Spaces are not allowed.






Select which type of rule to use.



Note: The lower the number (1-14), the higher the priority the rule






Provide additional information required for the selected rule. Additional rules



consist of one or more of the following criteria.





ethernet type

Enter the 16-bit EtherType value between 0 and 65535.






Enter a VLAN ID between 1 and 4094.





source mac

Enter the source MAC address.





dest mac

Enter the destination MAC address.






Select the IEEE 802.1p priority.






Select the IP protocol used.





protocol type

Enter the IP protocol number (between 0 and 255) used.





source ip

Enter the source IP address and subnet mask in dotted decimal notation.





dest ip

Enter the source IP address and subnet mask in dotted decimal notation.






Enter the start and end Type of Service between 0 and 255.





source port

Enter the source port or range of source ports.





dest port

Enter the destination port or range of destination ports.






Select which action(s) the IES-612-51A should follow when the criteria are









Enter the maximum bandwidth this traffic is allowed to have.





replaced vlan

Enter the VLAN ID that this traffic should use.





replaced priority

Select the IEEE 802.1p priority that this traffic should have.






Select this if you want the IES-612-51A to reject this kind of traffic.





ACL Profile List







This field displays a sequential value. The sequence in this table is not



important. Click this to edit the associated ACL profile in the section above.





ACL Profile

This field displays the name of this ACL profile.






Select the check box in the Select column for an entry, and click Delete to



remove the entry.





Select All

Click this to select all entries in the table.





Select None

Click this to un-select all entries in the table.




31.4 ACL Profile Map Screen

Use this screen to look at all the ACL profiles and the PVCs to which each one is assigned. To open this screen, click Advanced Application, ACL, ACL Profile Map.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide