Chapter 50 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance Commands

Enter the management password (1234 by default).

Figure 207 Example: Enter the Management Password

Password: 1234

230 Logged in

Use put to transfer the configuration file from the computer. The configuration file on the system is named config-0.

Figure 208 Example: Upload the Configuration File config-0

ftp> put xxx.dat config-0

Quit FTP.

Figure 209 Example: Close FTP Client

ftp> quit

Wait for the update to finish. The system restarts automatically.

50.4 Firmware File Upgrade

Use the following procedure to upload firmware to the IES-612-51A.

Use an FTP client to connect to the IES-612-51A.

Figure 210 Example: Use an FTP Client to Connect to the IES-612-51A

C:\> ftp <IES-612-51A IP address>

Type your user name and press [ENTER].

User ( admin

Enter the management password (1234 by default).

Figure 211 Example: Enter the Management Password

Password: 1234

230 Logged in

Transfer the firmware file to the IES-612-51A. The firmware file on your computer (that you want to put onto the IES-612-51A is named firmware.bin. The internal firmware file on the IES-612-51A is named ras.

Figure 212 Example: Transfer the Firmware File

ftp> put firmware.bin ras

Quit FTP.

Figure 213 Example: Close FTP Client

ftp> quit

Wait for the update to finish. The IES-612-51A restarts automatically.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide