Chapter 54 ACL Commands

Figure 291 ACL Profile Show Command Example

ras> switch acl profile show test profile test:


vlan :10 priority:2


rpri :7

rate :1000

54.2 ACL Assignment Commands

Use these commands to apply ACL profiles to PVCs.

54.2.1 ACL Assignment Set Command


ras> switch acl set <portlist> <vpi> <vci> <profile>




The port number of the PVC. You can specify a single DSL



port <1>, all DSL ports <*> or a list of DSL ports <1,3,5>.



You can also include a range of ports <1,5,6~10>.



The VPI of the PVC.



The VCI of the PVC.



The name of the ACL profile.

This command allows you to apply an ACL profile to the specified port(s). You can apply up to eight profiles to a subscriber port.

The following example applies the ACL profile “test” to a PVC.

Figure 292 ACL Assignment Set Command Example

ras> switch acl set 1 0 33 test

54.2.2 ACL Assignment Delete Command


ras> switch acl delete <portlist> <vpi> <vci> <profile>



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