Chapter 45 IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN Commands




You can specify a single port: <1>, all ports: <*>, a list of



ports: <1,3,enet1>, you can also include a range of ports:






This is the priority value (0 to 7) to use for incoming frames



with an IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag.

This command sets the priority of incoming frames with an IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag.

The following example sets a priority of three for frames (with an IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag) that come in on DSL port 2.

Figure 152 VLAN CPU Set Command Example

ras> switch vlan priority 2 3

45.4.4 VLAN Set Command


ras> switch vlan set <vid> <portlist>:<F<TU>XN> [<portlist>:<F<TU>X>





The VLAN ID [1 – 4094].



You can specify a single port: <1>, all ports: <*>, a list of



ports: <1,3,enet1>, you can also include a range of ports:






The <F> stands for a fixed registrar administration control



flag and registers a <port #> to the static VLAN table with






For a fixed port, you also have to specify <TU>, the tag



control flag.



<T> has the device add an IEEE 802.1Q tag to frames going



out through this port(s).



<U> has the device send frames out through this port(s)



without an IEEE 802.1Q tag.



This is the registrar administration control flag.



<X> stands for forbidden and blocks a <port #> from



joining the static VLAN table with <vid>.



<N> stands for normal and confirms registration of the



<port #> to the static VLAN table with <vid>. This is used



in GVRP applications.



A name to identify the SVLAN entry.

This command adds or modifies an entry in the static VLAN table. Use the switch vlan show command to display your configuration. An example of a configuration is shown next.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide