Chapter 47 IGMP Commands




You can specify a single DSL port <1> or all DSL ports






The name of an IGMP filter profile.

This command sets a DSL port(s) to use an IGMP filter profile.

The following example sets DSL port 5 to use the voice IGMP filter profile.

Figure 175 IGMP Filter Set Command Example

ras> switch igmpfilter set 5 voice

47.3.3 IGMP Filter Profile Set Command


ras> switch igmpfilter profile set <name> <index> <startip> <endip>




Specify a name to identify the IGMP filter profile (you



cannot change the name of the DEFVAL profile). You can



use up to 31 ASCII characters; spaces are not allowed.



The number (1~16) to identify a multicast IP address range.



Type the starting multicast IP address for a range of



multicast IP addresses that you want to belong to the IGMP



filter profile.



Type the ending multicast IP address for a range of IP



addresses that you want to belong to the IGMP filter profile.



If you want to add a single multicast IP address, enter it in



both the Start IP and End IP fields.

This command configures an IGMP filter profile.

The following example configures an IGMP filter profile named voice with a range of multicast IP addresses (index 1) from to

Figure 176 IGMP Filter Profile Set Command Example

ras> switch igmpfilter profile set test1 1

47.3.4 IGMP Filter Profile Delete Command


ras> switch igmpfilter profile delete <name>



= The name of an IGMP filter profile.



IES-612-51A User’s Guide