Chapter 55 Troubleshooting

55.14 Telnet

Icannot telnet into the IES-612-51A.

Table 111 Troubleshooting Telnet




Make sure that the number of current telnet sessions does not exceed the maximum


allowed number. You cannot have more than five telnet sessions at one time.




Make sure that your computer’s IP address matches a configured secured client IP


address (if configured). The IES-612-51A immediately disconnects the telnet session if


secured host IP addresses are configured and your computer’s IP address does not


match one of them.




Make sure that you have not disabled the Telnet service or changed the server port


number that the IES-612-51A uses for Telnet.




Ping the IES-612-51A from your computer.


If you are able to ping the IES-612-51A but are still unable to telnet, contact the




If you cannot ping the IES-612-51A, check the cable, connections and IP configuration.




Incorrectly configuring the access control settings may lock you out from using in-band


management. Try using the console port to reconfigure the system.



55.15 Resetting the Defaults

If you lock yourself (and others) from the IES-612-51A, you will need to reload the factory- default configuration file. Uploading the factory-default configuration file replaces the current configuration file with the factory-default configuration file. This means that you will lose all previous configurations and the speed of the console port will be reset to the default of 9600 bps with 8 data bit, no parity, one stop bit and flow control set to none. The user name will be reset to “admin” and the password will be reset to “1234” and the IP address to

55.15.1 Resetting the Defaults Via Command

If you know the password, you can reload the factory-default configuration file via Command Line Interface (CLI) command. Use the following procedure.

1Connect to the console port using a computer with terminal emulation software. See Section 3.2.1 on page 50 for details.

2Enter your password.

3Type config restore.

4Type y at the question “Do you want to restore default ROM file(y/n)?”

5The IES-612-51A restarts.

Figure 295 Resetting the Switch Via Command

ras> config restore

System will reboot automatically after restoring default configuration.

Do you want to proceed(y/n)? >

restoring configuration...

saving configuration to flash...



IES-612-51A User’s Guide