Chapter 37 Diagnostic


Table 80

Diagnostic (continued)








Select a port number from the Port drop-down list box and a power




management mode from the Mode drop-down list box and click Set PMM Mode




to have the specified port use the specified power management mode.




Select L0 to turn off power management on the port.




Select L2 to scale back the power usage to just support the transmission rate




that the subscriber is using.




Select L3 to have the ADSL connection use power saving mode and reduce the




rate when there is no traffic. The rate comes back up when there is traffic.




The ADSL port must be set to ADSL2 or ADSL2+ ADSL operational mode.




Click Get PMM Mode to display which power mode the ADSL port is currently




set to use.








Select a port number from the Port drop-down list box. The ADSL port must be




set to ADSL2 or ADSL2+ ADSL operational mode and have a connection. Click




Get ToneDiag data to display the ADSL port’s tone diagnostics. The tone




diagnostic information displays in the format defined in the ITU-T G.992.3




standard. Use the information to analyze problems with the physical ADSL line.




Note: ToneDiag is faster than the LDM test but displays less











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