Chapter 6 Home and Port Statistics Screens

Table 6 Port Statistics (Ethernet) (continued)



Rx mac pause

This field shows the number of valid IEEE 802.3x Pause frames received on this





Rx fragments

This field shows the number of frames received that were less than 64 octets


long, and contained an invalid FCS, including non-integral and integral lengths.



Rx error overrun

This field shows how many times an Ethernet transmitter overrun occurred.



Rx error mru

This field shows the number of received frames that were dropped due to


exceeding the Maximum Receive Unit frame size.



Rx dropped

This field shows the number of received frames that were received into the IES-


612-51A, but later dropped because of a lack of system resources.



Rx jabber

This field shows the number of frames received that were longer than 1518


octets (non VLAN) or 1522 octets (VLAN) and contained an invalid FCS,


including alignment errors.



Rx error alignment

This field shows the number of frames received that were 64 to 1518 (non


VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN) octets long but contained an invalid FCS and a non-


integral number of octets.



Rx oversize

This field shows the number of frames received that were bigger than 1518 (non


VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN) octets and contained a valid FCS.



Rx undersize

This field shows the number of frames received that were less than 64 octets


long and contained a valid FCS.



Rx discard

This field shows the number of frames dropped based on packet filtering.



Tx bytes

This field shows the number of bytes that have been transmitted on this port.


This includes collisions but not jam signal or preamble/SFD (Start of Frame


Delimiter) bytes.



Tx packets

This field shows the number of packets transmitted on this port.



Tx multicast

This field shows the number of good multicast frames transmitted on this port


(not including broadcast frames).



Tx broadcast

This field shows the number of broadcast frames transmitted on this port (not


including multicast frames).



Tx mac_pause

This field shows the number of valid IEEE 802.3x Pause frames transmitted on


this port.



Tx fragments

This field shows the number of transmitted frames that were less than 64 octets


long, and with an incorrect FCS value.



Tx frames

This field shows the number of complete good frames transmitted on this port.



Tx error underrun

This field shows the number of outgoing frames that were less than 64 octets





Tx undersize

This field shows the number of frames transmitted that were less than 64 octets


long and contained a valid FCS.



Tx jabber

This field shows the number of frames transmitted that were longer than 1518


octets (non VLAN) or 1522 octets (VLAN) and contained an incorrect FCS





Tx oversize

This field shows the number of frames transmitted that were bigger than 1518


octets (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN) and contained a valid FCS.




This field shows the number of frames received and transmitted (including bad


frames) that were 64 octets or less in length (this includes FCS octets but


excludes framing bits).




This field shows the number of frames received and transmitted (including bad


frames) that were 65 to 127 octets in length (this includes FCS octets but


excludes framing bits).





IES-612-51A User’s Guide