Chapter 19 Multicast VLAN

Table 44 MVLAN Setup (continued)




Select Fixed for the port to be a permanent member of this multicast VLAN. Use


the Select All button to include every port.


Select Forbidden if you want to prohibit the port from joining this multicast


VLAN. Use the Select All button to include every port.




Select TX Tagging if you want the port to tag all outgoing frames transmitted


with this VLAN ID. Use the All button to include every port. Use the None button


to clear all of the ports check boxes.




Click Add to save your changes to the IES-612-51A’s volatile memory. The IES-


612-51A loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the Config


Save link on the navigation panel to save your changes to the non-volatile


memory when you are done configuring.




Click Cancel to begin configuring the fields afresh.



19.4 MVLAN Group Screen

Use this screen to configure ranges of multicast IP addresses for each multicast VLAN. To open this screen, click Advanced Application, Multicast VLAN, MVLAN Group.

Figure 79 MVLAN Group

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 45 MVLAN Group



MVLAN Status

Click MVLAN Status to open the MVLAN Status screen where you can view a


summary of all multicast VLAN on the IES-612-51A (see Section 19.2 on page






Click MVLAN Setup to open the MVLAN Setup screen where you can


configure basic settings and port members for each multicast VLAN (see


Section 19.3 on page 166).





IES-612-51A User’s Guide