Web GUI - Summary Screen
To get an Overview of the Main D9865 Settings
Proceed as follows to get an overview of the main D9865 Satellite Receiver settings:
1.Log on to the Web GUI.
2.Click Summary > Summary Dashboard. The Summary Dashboard page is displayed.
Buttons - click to open the specific setup pages.
Maximize Close Section
The summary screen displays the main settings of the D9865 Satellite Receiver.
The buttons above the sections in the Summary Dashboard are shortcuts to the various setup pages. For example, click Tuning Setup to open the Tuning Setup page.
You can customize the Summary Dashboard by temporarily minimizing or removing the modules displayed. Each module has a maximize and minimize button, allowing you to view or hide various modules. The default view is displayed when you refresh the Summary Dashboard page.
D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide | 4035197 Rev C |