can also specify a scan delay between thumbnails (Time Between Servers). During the delay, you will see the last thumbnail image for all servers in the scan sequence, though you won't be logged into any servers.
An indicator light at the bottom of each frame displays the status of the server. The default thumbnail size is based on the number of servers in the scan list.
Figure 5-10. Viewer - Thumbnail Viewer
Scan mode is a lower priority than an active connection. If you have an interactive session with a server, that server will be skipped in the scan sequence and the scan mode will proceed to the next server. No login error messages will appear. Once the interactive session is closed, then the thumbnail will be included in the scan sequence again. If another user has an active connection to a server, the server will be skipped and a red “X” will be displayed in the indicator light below the frame.
The Remote Console Switch Software can scan connected servers on multiple Remote Console Switches, while the
Using the Viewer