Trap Trap Message | Severity | Description |
ID |
36SIP image upgrade result. Result: %d. Upgrade was started by user: %s. Upgrade image type: %d. Upgrade version: %s. Running version: %s. Server: %s. SIP ID: %s.
37SIP restarted. Server: %s. SIP ID: %s.
Informational The result of an SIP software image upgrade.
The image upgrade result is contained in dsTrapObjectSipImageUpgradeResult.
The name of the user who initiated the SIP upgrade is contained in dsTrapObjectUserName.
The type of software image the upgrade result is for contained in dsTrapObjectTypeOfImage.
The software image version the SIP attempted to upgrade to, is contained in dsTrapObjectImageNewVersion.
The software image version the SIP is running is contained in dsTrapObjectImageCurrentVersion.
If the software image upgrade was successful then this version will match the version reported in dsTrapObjectImageNewVersion.
The name of the server connected to the SIP is contained in dsTrapObjectServerName.
The ID of the SIP the result is for is contained in dsTrapObjectSipId.
Informational An SIP has restarted
An SIP will restart after an SIP image upgrade completes.
The name of the server connected to the SIP is contained in dsTrapObjectServerName.
The ID of the SIP that restarted is for is contained in dsTrapObjectSipId.
Appendix D: MIBs and SNMP Traps