Virtual CD/DVD Drive
The CD/DVD drive section allows a user to select which drive to map to the virtual CD/DVD. It includes radio buttons for selecting the type of device (CD/DVD or ISO image), as well as a browse button used for selecting the *.iso image file. Only one device in the CD/DVD drive section can be connected at one time.
To connect a CD/DVD device to the virtual media drive:
1Select Compact Disk.
2(Optional) Select Read Only.
3Click Connect CD/DVD.
To connect a CD/DVD image file to the virtual media drive:
1Select ISO image.
2Click Browse and select the desired image *.iso file.
NOTE: Image files are always read only.
3Click Connect CD/DVD.
To disconnect any device or image file from the virtual media device:
Click Disconnect CD/DVD.
Virtual Media Connection Status
The status section displays specific information about the virtual media connections. If there is no current connection, the columns will read “No connection” or “n/a” as applicable.
If there is a current connection, the status section displays the following information:
•Target Drive - the virtual device connected to the target server
•Connected To - the name of the local drive connected to the virtual device
•Read Bytes - the number of bytes read by the target server from the local device
•Write Bytes - the number of bytes written to the local device by the target server
Virtual Media