Login Failure. Reason: Access cannot be granted due to Authentication Server errors
Please verify that the SIP object was created in the Active Directory and its name exactly matches the name assigned to that SIP via the OSCAR at the console switch.
The Dell Standard Schema and the Dell Extended Schema use specific object classes in the Microsoft Windows Active Directory to represent SIPs. The Microsoft standard naming conventions for these object classes prohibit the use of special characters or spaces. If you intend to use LDAP in a deployed environment where target device names in SIPs currently include spaces or special characters, you will need to rename them without spaces or special characters.
Renaming a target device in a SIP should be done through the
Frequently Asked Questions
Table 9-3 lists frequently asked questions and answers.
Table 9-3. Using the RCS with Active Directory: FAQ
Can I log into the Remote Console Switch using Active Directory across multiple forests?
The RCS Active Directory query algorithm only supports a single tree in a single forest.
LDAP Feature for the Remote Console Switch