What can I do if I cannot log into the Remote Console Switch using Active Directory authentication? How do I troubleshoot the issue?
Troubleshoot as follows:
•If no domain name is specified, the local database is used. To login when AD authentication isn't working, use the default local admin account.
•Ensure that you have checked the Enable Active Directory check box (Remote Console Switch Software) or the Use LDAP Authentication check box
•Ensure that the DNS setting is correct on the Remote Console Switch Networking configuration page.
•Ensure Network Time Protocol is enabled on at least one server specified on the NTP panel.
•Ensure that you have uploaded the Active Directory certificate from your Active Directory root CA to the Remote Console Switch.
•Check the Domain Controller SSL certificates to ensure that they have not expired.
•Ensure that your “Remote Console Switch Name”, “Root Domain Name”, and “Remote Console Switch Domain Name” match your Active Directory environment configuration.
•Ensure that you use the correct user domain name during a login and not the NetBIOS name.
LDAP Feature for the Remote Console Switch