Remote Console Switch Software, 140
overview, 2
viewing and configuring Remote Console Switch parameters, 141
viewing version information, 155
OpenManage IT Assistant Event Viewer
enabling SNMP traps using the
overview, 6 Operating systems, 33 Operation modes, 4 Organizing your system, 93
OSCAR interface configuring menus, 41 navigating, 39 overview, 2
Override admin account, 182
PEM, 11, 30
Port Expansion Module. See PEM.
Power indicator, 17
Preemption using OSCAR, 55
using the
using the Viewer, 125 Privileges, 204 Product list, 71
Rack mounting, 11
Reboot system
using the
Registry, 212
Remote Console Switch accessing, 75
adding, 68
basic configuration, 16 changing properties, 78, 85 discovering, 73
features and benefits, 1 logging in, 76 viewing and configuring
parameters using the on- board web interface, 141
Remote Console Switch Software
features and benefits, 5 launching, 65 navigating, 65 setup, 9
updating, 212 Resync Wizard, 175 Resyncing, 9