Viewing the SIPs and Avocent IQ Modules
The Server - SIPs category lets you view the SIPs and Avocent IQ modules in your system, their port, and Electronic ID number (EID) as well as their type and connection device.
You can also view the SIP status. A green circle indicates that the SIP is online. A yellow circle indicates the SIP is being upgraded and a red X indicates that the SIP is offline. To clear offline SIPs click Clear Offline SIPs and click OK when prompted. The Clear Offline SIPs button is only available for Remote Console Switch Administrators.
NOTE: It is not possible to clear Offline SIPs or Avocent IQ modules that are attached to a tiered analog Console Switch.
NOTE: This operation will clear all offline SIPs on the Remote Console Switch, including those associated with any powered down Servers.
NOTE: User access rights will also be updated to remove the Servers associated with the cleared offline SIPs.
The SIP Language
NOTE: Reboot Required button will only appear if reboot is required.
Managing Your Remote Console Switch Using the