Chapter 1: Introducing Helpdesk Solution
Helpdesk Solution integrates tightly with Microsoft SMS by reflecting work orders from Helpdesk Solution into the SMS database and permitting SMS administrators to view problems and/or planned work from their console. A thumbnail of the SMS inventory is recorded with the work item in the Helpdesk Solution database.
Helpdesk Solution - Satellite Architecture
The Helpdesk Solution supports satellite installations. A satellite Helpdesk, is installed and configured by running AeXHD.exe locally on a satellite machine, which does not have NS installed, but otherwise meets all Helpdesk prerequisites. Point the configuration to the Notification Server where the master Helpdesk Solution is hosted. The Configure Helpdesk command requests the name of the master Helpdesk server that was previously installed and configured.
Satellites can be used to
Here is a Helpdesk satellite scenario. The primary Notification Server and master Helpdesk server resides in Albuquerque, with satellites in Milpitas, Atlanta, and another in Austin for end users only.
The master and satellites in Milpitas and Atlanta provide web access to the Helpdesk database for both workers and end users. Austin is a satellite for end users only - this is accomplished by modifying the NTFS permissions on the Austin entry points to prevent the use of the worker consoles.
In this scenario, the following is true:
•Satellites are on a separate domain than the primary Helpdesk and Notification Server instance, SMTP server and the SQL database, this is not a requirement.
•Persistent VPN connection is used to connect the satellite servers to the master server. (Other schemes, such as
•When satellites are in separate,
Altiris Helpdesk Solution User Guide | 10 |