Chapter 6: User Interface | Using Queries |
The table below lists the field names that can be queried against, their type, and additional information where appropriate.
Field Name | Type | Acceptable values (and |
| comments) |
workitem_link_parent_number | uint |
workitem_number | uint |
workitem_is_last | string | 1, 0 |
workitem_has_attachments | string | 1, 0 |
workitem_version | uint |
workitem_external_reference | string |
workitem_priority_lookup_id | uint |
workitem_status_lookup_id | uint |
workitem_category_lookup_id | uint |
workitem_type_lookup_id | uint |
workitem_link_type_lookup_id | uint |
workitem_assigned_to_worker_id | uint |
workitem_created_on | datetime |
workitem_created_by_worker_id | uint |
workitem_start_on | datetime | (only date part is in db; e.g. 11/10/ |
| 00) |
workitem_due_on | datetime | (only date part is in db; e.g. 11/10/ |
| 00) |
workitem_modified_on | datetime |
workitem_modified_by_worker_id | uint |
workitem_minutes_spent | uint |
workitem_action | string | Create, Open, Assign, Attach, |
| Link, Edit, Associate contact, |
| Associate object, Resolve (values |
| that are provided, however this |
| field is customizable) |
workitem_title | string |
workitem_managed_object_id | uint |
workitem_contact_id | uint |
workitem_tag_collection_id | uint |
workitem_is_scheduled | string | 1, 0 |
assigned_to_worker_name | string |
assigned_to_worker_status | string | a, i, v (a=active, i=inactive, |
| v=virtual; inactive workers can |
| be inactive virtual workgroups or |
| inactive real workers) |
assigned_to_worker_email | string |
assigned_to_worker_phone | string |
assigned_to_worker_cell_phone | string |
assigned_to_worker_pager | string |
Altiris Helpdesk Solution User Guide | 74 |