User’s Manual
IBM PowerPC 750GX and 750GL RISC Microprocessor Speculative Loads and Conditional Branches
Loads that are dispatched before a preceding conditional branch is resolved are speculative. Mispredicted branches cause the speculative loads to be canceled. Normally, the cancellation is confined to the load/store unit, and no additional cycles are wasted. However, this is not the case when MuM is enabled. The speculative loads might be MuM requests that have started on the 60x bus. All outstanding MuM requests must complete, since there is no way to cancel them once they are started on the 60x bus. The load/store unit is now stalled until all outstanding loads have completed. The data cache is not reloaded for any MuM request that is canceled. However, the MuM reload is loaded into the L2 cache if enabled.
8.3 Address-Bus Tenure
This section describes the three phases of the address
8.3.1 Address-Bus Arbitration
When the 750GX needs access to the external bus and it is not parked (BG is negated), it asserts the bus request (BR) signal until it is granted mastership of the bus and the bus is available (see Figure
Logical Bus Clock
qual BG
Bus Interface Operation | gx_08.fm.(1.2) |
Page 290 of 377 | March 27, 2006 |