User’s Manual

IBM PowerPC 750GX and 750GL RISC Microprocessor Sampled Instruction Address Register (SIA)

The Sampled Instruction Address Register (SIA) is a supervisor-level register that contains the effective address of an instruction executing at or around the time that the processor signals the performance-monitor interrupt condition. The SIA is shown in Sampled Instruction Address Register (SIA) on page 75.

If the performance-monitor interrupt is triggered by a threshold event, the SIA contains the address of the exact instruction (called the sampled instruction) that caused the counter to overflow.

If the performance-monitor interrupt was caused by something besides a threshold event, the SIA contains the address of the last instruction completed during that cycle. SIA can be accessed with the mtspr and mfspr instructions using SPR 955. User Sampled Instruction Address Register (USIA)

The contents of SIA are reflected to USIA, which can be read by user-level software. USIA can be accessed with the mfspr instructions using SPR 939.

11.3 Event Counting

Counting can be enabled if conditions in the processor state match a software-specified condition. Because a software task scheduler can switch a processor’s execution among multiple processes and because statistics on only a particular process might be of interest, a facility is provided to mark a process. The performance- monitor (PM) bit, MSR[29], is used for this purpose. System software can set this bit when a marked process is running. This enables statistics to be gathered only during the execution of the marked process. The states of MSR[PR] and MSR[PM] together define a state that the processor (supervisor or program) and the process (marked or unmarked) can be in at any time. If this state matches a state specified by the MMCR0, the state for which monitoring is enabled, counting is enabled.

The following states can be monitored:

Supervisor only

User only

Marked and user only

Not marked and user only

Marked and supervisor only

Not marked and supervisor only

Marked only

Not marked only

In addition, one of two unconditional counting modes can be specified:

Counting is unconditionally enabled regardless of the states of MSR[PM] and MSR[PR]. This can be accomplished by clearing MMCR0[0–4].

Counting is unconditionally disabled regardless of the states of MSR[PM] and MSR[PR]. This is done by setting the disable bit (DIS) to 1 (MMCR0[0] = 1).

The performance-monitor counters count specified events and are used to generate performance-monitor exceptions when an overflow (most-significant bit is a 1) situation occurs. The 750GX performance monitor has four, 32-bit registers that can count up to 0x7FFFFFFF (2,147,483,648 in decimal) before overflowing. Bit 0 of the registers is used to determine when an interrupt condition exists.

Performance Monitor and System Related Features

March 27, 2006

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