Print Mode Specify whether to give priority to the print speed or the image quality. The printer/copier is capable of printing at three different resolutions:
High Speed: 600 x 600
Standard: 1200 x 600
High Quality: 1200 x 1200
To change resolution settings, use the Print Mode selections.
NOTE: The Image Enhancement feature is not available when
Standard or High Quality is selected.
Output Color Specify your output printing options select either Color or Black. RGB Color Correction Specify the coloration of the RBG Color Correction.
Normal: This setting is optimized for printing documents that contain text and graphics, such as business documents.
Photo: This setting is optimized for printing photos or images with gradations. Select this setting when printing images in RBG.
Web Pages: This setting is optimized for printing web pages.
Presentation: This setting is optimized for printing the color documents vividly, such as presentation documents.
RGB Gamma Correction Specify the brightness of the documents. The higher the value, the darker the print becomes.
Screen You can adjust the image quality. Select Gradation to print photos and gradations clearly. Select Fineness to print the colors in illustrations, tables, or graphs evenly.
Image Enhancement Specify whether to use the Image Enhancement function.
Selecting On, smooths out the boundaries between black and white when printing. This reduces jagged edges, thereby artificially increasing the resolution of the image. When printing an image (bitmap) composed of coarse halftone dots, smooth color gradation is impossible in certain situations. In this case, select Off.
NOTE: The Image Enhancement feature is available only when