TelOper:the Web Browser Desktop Interface
From filter: 743
To filter: 120 | 152
then click on the ReloadLog button.
By default, the filters used on the call log are ANDed; that is, only entries which contain the information
specified by both the filters simultaneously are shown. You can OR the two filters together, however, by
adding the word “OR” anywhere in your “To filter”en try.For example, to list all calls made either to or
from extension 743, type in
From filter: 743
To filter: OR 743
then click on the ReloadLog button.
The From Date and To Dat e setthe inclusive range of dates from which the log records are selected. Dates
can be ‘Dec 4’ or ‘Jan 5’, or in the form ‘12/29’ or ‘11/30’. The keyword today is recognized as the current
day as determined by the NexPath TelephonyServer.
A single entry such as ‘Dec’ or ‘12’is assumed to be ‘12/1’ or ‘Dec 1’ in the From Date field, and ‘Dec 31’
or ‘12/31’ in the To D ate field. If the entire From Date field is left blank, then it is interpreted as the begin-
ning of the file. If the To Da te field is left blank, it defaults to today.
Unless you log in as the system administrator,you can only view calls made to and from your normal (pri-
mary) extension number.
Youc an copy the information currently being viewed from your call log t o al ocal computer by clicking on
Save Local Copy. A pipe-separated text file (“|” is the pipe character)wil l besaved which can then be
imported directly into Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word. The field format can be determined with a
header row which is written as the first line in the file.
The Close Window button allows you to exit the View L og windowaltogether.
user.bk Page127 Wednesday, March 7, 2001 10:34 AM