Table 3-18Supplies menu (continued)

First level

Second level

Third level

Fourth level














Select Auto to






instruct the product to






use the mode that is






appropriate for the






first page of the job.






If necessary, the






product switches






modes during the






middle of a job and






then stays in that






mode until the job is






finished. This is the






factory default

















Mostly Color

Select Mostly






Color Pages if the






majority of jobs that






you print are in






color. The product






uses color mode for






all jobs, even if the






job contains no color






pages. Using this






setting can save






time, but it increases






wear on the color






print cartridges.






Select Mostly






Color Pages if the






majority of jobs that






you print are in black






& white. The product






uses monochrome






mode until it detects






a color page. The






product switches






back to monochrome






mode when it detects






a sequence of






several monochrome






pages. Using this






setting can increase






the time required to






print a job, but it






decreases wear on






the color print














Tools for troubleshooting 321