Table 3-21General Settings menu (continued)

First level

Second level

Third level

Fourth level












Cyan Density

-5 to 5

Shadows are the




Magenta Density

Default = 0

darkest color-values




in an image.




Yellow Density


For each color, select




Black Density


a setting to adjust the





darkness or lightness











of shadows on the






printed page.






Decrease the value to






lighten the shadows.






Increase the value to






darken the shadows.






Cyan Density






Increase the value to






make colors appear






more blue. Decrease






the value to make






colors appear less












Magenta Density






Increase the value to






make colors appear






more pink. Decrease






the value to make






colors appear less












Yellow Density






Increase the value to






make colors appear






more yellow.






Decrease the value to






make colors appear






less yellow.






Black Density






Increase the value to






make colors appear






more black.






Decrease the value to






make colors appear






less black.









Restore Color



Use this feature to






restore all the color-






density settings to the






factory default














Tools for troubleshooting 335