LaserSpeed 8000-3 Instruction Handbook
LaserTrak Software
reset every time data acquisition is restarted. Note: This is not the average of the QF on the display.
Point Record Number- is the number data points acquired since the data acquisition began.
Time in Sec- the amount of time since the data acquisition began.
Vel. Min IV – the minimum velocity in view (IV) on the velocity graph
Vel. Max IV – the maximum velocity in view (IV) on the velocity graph
Gauge Status
Instrument Type – the type of gauge from which LaserTrak is acquiring data.
Valid Measurement – Yes, if the gauge is making valid measurement, and No, if it is not making valid measurements.
Material Present – Yes, if material present is detected and No, if material present is not detected.
Laser At Temp – Yes, if the Laser is within the allowed temperature range, and No if the Laser is outside its temperature range. The LS8000 will turn off its Laser if it is outside the allowed temperature range.
Interlock Closed- Yes, if the interlock is closed and No if the interlock is open. The Laser will only be on if the interlock is closed.
Shutter Open – Yes, if the internal shutter is open and No if the internal shutter is close. If the shutter is closed, the Laser beam will be blocked and no measurements will be made.
User Update Rate – Displayed in Milliseconds: Indicates how fast the gauge will output readings via RS232, RS422, and Ethernet
Walking Threshold – the gauge will not increment the internal length counter or output pulses if the speed is below this Walking Threshold value. The Walking Threshold is set during gauge Configuration. Set the Walking Threshold to 0 to disable this feature.
Hold Velocity – Sets the velocity value above which, the last valid reading is held when no measurements are made, and below which the LS8000 outputs a zero for the velocity and stops counting length when no valid measurements are made. The Hold
Part No. 93463 / Drawing No. | Page 100 of 221 | Revision A (Sep 2007) |