LaserSpeed 8000-3 Instruction Handbook
& | Quality Factor Warning Threshold |
&<CR> Read
Response Format: <N>
&<N><CR> Set
<N> is an integer from 0 to 15 specifying the threshold at which the Quality Factor Warning Output will turn on. If the QF goes below this value for longer than the Quality Factor Warning Timeout, the output will turn on. To turn back off again, the QF must go above the threshold for longer than the timeout.
Voltage High: QF is less than the Warning Threshold
Voltage Low: QF is greater than or equal to the Warning Threshold
This output is available on either pulse output, or on the Index Pulse output, as an alternate configuration. See the %, $H, and $L commands for details.
< | Quality Factor Warning Timeout |
<<CR> Read
Response Format: <N>
<<N><CR> Set
<N> is an integer from 0 to 65,535 specifying the number of milliseconds that the QF must be below the Quality Factor Warning Threshold before the warning output will trigger.
The default value is 10,000, which is 10 seconds. This means that the QF must be below the threshold for 10 seconds before the output will trigger. This setting should be kept fairly large to avoid nuisance alarms.
A | Direction Inversion Switch |
A<CR> Read
Response Format: <N>
A<N><CR> Set
<N> is an integer, either 0 or 1. Changes the function of the Direction Digital input. Changing the direction will also change the phase of the pulse outputs, causing a connected quadrature counter to count in the opposite direction.
Value Line Direction
0gauge to measure a positive velocity and the length to count up, and a high
Reversed – The polarity of the digital input is reversed, so a low will cause the gauge to
1measure a negative velocity, and a high
Part No. 93463 / Drawing No. | Page 129 of 221 | Revision A (Sep 2007) |