Installing the System
Maximizing Performance
The system is now at the point where it can be powered on and the laser activated so beams are emitted from the front of the gauge. Be sure that the laser interlock and shutter control circuits are functioning properly.
When Pin 16 is connected to GND (Pin 11, 19, or 21), the laser becomes operational.
When Pin 17 is connected to GND (Pin 11, 19, or 21), the shutter will open.
Check the key switch to verify the laser power can be controlled.
Warning: Avoid exposure to the beam. Never look directly into the laser beams, even when wearing protective eyewear. Eye damage could result.
Note: There may be some delay time between when the system is powered on, and when the laser comes on. There is a 7 second delay after power is applied to the laser (key switch on, laser interlock closed) before the laser turns on. The laser will also not turn on until the laser temperature controller stabilizes. This may take a few minutes after power is initially applied. The standoff distance can be verified by using a business card or sheet of white paper. Both beams can be viewed and the area where the beams overlap is the active measurement region. The location where the overlap of the beams is smallest is the center of the measurement region. This location corresponds to the standoff distance and is where the beams should intersect the product.
The configuration and setup of the gauge can be verified and/or changed using the supplied LaserTrak Software or directly using the serial commands listed in the Communication Protocol section. Utilizing either one of these approaches requires a computer with an
Once proper communication is established (see the See the LaserTrak Software section for help), it is recommended to check the Quality Factor (QF). QF can be checked using LaserTrak, and viewing the chart recorder screen. If it is below 15, try to move the product or the gauge slightly (adjust the standoff) and look for improvements in QF. Once QF is maximized, change the line speed and look for a corresponding velocity change on the chart recorder.
Part No. 93463 / Drawing No. | Page 31 of 221 | Revision A (Sep 2007) |