LaserSpeed 8000-3 Instruction Handbook
LaserTrak Software
Monitor Display
The Monitor Display shows the Speed and Length in a number format and the Quality Factor as a Bar Graph. The Quality Factor Bar Graph shows the Quality Factor as a lighted bar. All the bars are lighted when the Quality Factor is 100%. None of the bars are lighted when Quality Factor is 0. The High (green square), Low (red square) above the bar graph indicate the max and minimum Quality Factor readings since the start of data acquisition. To rest these marks press Stop Readings twice.
The Quality Factor Bar Graph can indicate different operating conditions of the gauge depending on what the Quality Factor is doing. This can help diagnose problems with the setup of the gauge or with the conditions under which the gauge is operating.
Part No. 93463 / Drawing No. | Page 117 of 221 | Revision A (Sep 2007) |