LaserSpeed 8000-3 Instruction Handbook
*IPNETMSK | Netmask |
Response Format: *IPNETMSK=<N><CR>
Where <XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> is the netmask, formatted as an IP Address, such as
"". This command can be used manually set the netmask, or to read back the value assigned by the DHCP server.
If the DHCP option is enabled, the value stored for this setting is ignored, and the IP Address read from the DHCP server is returned. If there was an error contacting the DHCP server, then the value is returned as
If DHCP is disabled, then this command is used to manually set the Netmask. Example: (DHCP disabled)
To set the Netmask:
Command: *IPNETMSK=<CR>
…and then read it back
Command: *IPNETMSK?<CR>
Response: *IPNETMSK=<CR>
This setting can be disregarded if the Ethernet option is not installed.
Note: This setting will take effect after a
TF | Final Length Mode |
TF<CR> Data Output Command
Data Format: <+LLLLLL.LLL,QF><CR>
This command places the
In the data format above, <+LLLLLL.LLL> is the final length of the part, including starting and ending length correction. <QF> is the average Quality Factor that was measured over the part. Each time Material Present is lost, the
Example Data:
To remove the gauge from this mode, send a <CR>, or send .<CR>.
Part No. 93463 / Drawing No. | Page 154 of 221 | Revision A (Sep 2007) |