Lucent Technologies 5 manual Group Cover →Dial sender’s ext. no. → Enter →, Dial no. of rings

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MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0

Issue 1

System Manager’s Guide 555-650-118

June 1997

6 Managing the System


Changing Coverage Delay Options

Page 6-55



Program the change(s), following the instructions for “Coverage Delays” in the “Telephones” section of System Programming, Chapter 3, or the

osummary programming instructions below.

When you have finished, file the forms with the rest of the planning forms.

Programming Instructions




Console Procedures

Change the number of rings before a call is sent to


Group Coverage receivers:


ExtensionsMoreMoreCover Delay


Group CoverDial sender’s ext. no.Enter


Dial no. of rings (1–9)


Change the delay for Primary Cover buttons


programmed for Delay Ring; change the additional delay


before a call is sent to Group Coverage receivers when


Primary or Secondary Coverage Receivers are






ExtensionsMoreMoreCover Delay


PrimaryDial sender’s ext. no.EnterDial no. of


rings (1–6)EnterExit


Change the delay for Secondary Cover buttons


programmed for Delay Ring:


ExtensionsMoreMoreCover Delay


SecondaryDial sender’s ext. no.Enter


Dial no. of rings (1–6)EnterExit

PC Procedures

Change the number of rings before a call is sent to


Group￿Coverage receivers:


UU￿￿Type sender’s ext.


no.￿Type no. of rings (1–9)￿￿


Change the delay for Primary Cover buttons


programmed for Delay Ring; change the additional delay


before a call is sent to Group Coverage receivers when


Primary or Secondary Coverage Receivers are






→ → →Type sender’s ext.


no.￿Type no. of rings (1–6)￿￿

Change the delay for Secondary Cover buttons programmed￿for Delay Ring:

UU￿￿Type sender’s ext. no.￿Type no. of rings (1–6) ￿￿

Page 273
Image 273
Lucent Technologies 5 manual Group Cover →Dial sender’s ext. no. → Enter →, Dial no. of rings, Rings 1-6 → Enter → Exit